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VBLs (Very Big Letters)

Who needs HUGE letters?

Here are a few:
Stage & Theater, Promotions at Trade Shows + Exhibits, Flatbed Truck Signs, School Rallies, Parades, Floats, temporary business signage, Realty Developments and many other events are perfect for using the relatively economical, weather-resistant letters.

Available made in up to 46" tall (almost four feet tall!)
And up to 30" thick (about 2-1/2 feet) painted in one of many bright durable paint colors available.

Design your own durable foam letters for outdoor signs and (very) big shows.
Our heavy duty foam letters are precision cut from high density 3 lb polystyrene and professionally coated with Line-X truck bed liner. These display letters are hard coated for great longevity. Durable standing letters are made to withstand the abuse of a road tour or harsh elements outdoors.

We can also cut the bottoms of the letters so they will stand alone on a flat surface. Thicker letters have an easier time standing. Some letters might need additional support to stand. Cut bottom (flat bottom) option is at additional cost.

These are big durable foam letters that will need to ship freight. 

The letter height you order is based on the uppercase letter "A" of the font you specify. 

Depending on the font, some uppercase/lowercase letters may be shorter or taller than the height you specify when you order so they will look proportionate to each other. 

Shown on a college track promotion at left and at a school function below that (letter top shown for light texture detail).

If all lettering is ordered in lower case (not in capitals) we will scale the lettering to an uppercase "A" from the selected font which may make most of the letters smaller than what was ordered. 

Contact us if you would like to size your lettering differently from our standards.

Texture of the Foamed plastic is noticeable up close but not a detraction from the effect of the letters, and is barely seen from five feet or further viewing distance.

For a price quote on your project, go to the link below.
 Long-lasting letters are made from beaded plastic, permanently cemented to the desired thickness then lightly sanded for a smoother overall appearance.

Even though the letters are made from beaded plastic (similar to styrofoam), the construction and finish allows for multiple-use situations like showroom floor exhibits, fashion venues and shows, large-scale wayfinding for developments and parks, flash promotions and more. 

The letters can be painted in matching or "look at me" colors to provide a contrast to other forms of exposure-based marketing.

Perfect for photo shoots, video and overhead drone filming, as the three-dimensional letters appear heavy and can add the special distinguishing look to your branding.

Available cut and assembled onto a base panel or as a 3D representation of your logo.

Need help with your project or want to chat with a typographic expert to consult about your project?

It's easy.
We can provide everything from the most elaborate planning for a professional fee to our most economic complimentary assistance with ordering exactly what you need.

When you look good, we look good.

Stage and show identification in a rigid material is now possible without the added liability of standard-weight props and more potentially dangerous options commonly used.

An adult of average strength and dexterity can move the letters to assemble, then to store them after the event or showcase.

Request a project price quote here.


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