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Sign Resource Center

This is the GiralMedia service page for finding out...

What kind of sign do you need? Who sells it? What's a fair price?

Let's start out with the kinds of signs there are.
Basic categories of signs:

Almost any size for indoor and permanent outside uses.

Individual letters
These may be lighted and installed on the side or front of a business,
Wall lettering for lobby walls and departments, building development entrances, decorative wall signs and magnetic letter board signs and menus. Marquee theater lettering, too. Lifetime warranty.

Lighted sign cabinets
This broad category covers kiosks, panel box signs, poster sign cabinets, theater marquee cabinets, movie marquees and portable lighted readerboard signs.
Roadside signs
Curb signs with and without frame, wall poster signs and prints, traffic signs, reflective speed limit and highway signs, street signs, portable readerboards, bus stop signs and more.

Floor decals for promotional use
Floor markings

Concrete casting
Single-use foam letters for casting concrete forms and pavers, Reusable metal and rubber letters for casting.

Wall decoration and directional
Stretched canvas photographic prints, acrylic office and doorway signs, printed department hanging signs, market signage.

Sign frames for vehicles
Airport cruisers, Transit Bus, Trolley, Light Rail, transit and passenger pickup signs, shelter signage and maps. Interior advertising sign frames.
Frames are designed to endure road bumps and highway speeds.

Display signage
Very large foam letters, pop-up displays, canopies, illuminated LED thin profile signs, specialty fabric drape printing.

Yard and political or trade services signs
Coroplastic and aluminum laminate signs with wire stakes, real estate and cross-member signs, reflective signs, political signs, coming soon developer signs.

DHPL wayfinding signs in our National Parks
Organization and Professional Carved Signs
Giclée prints, carved wood and HDU signs, sandblasted and dimensional signs, plaques in brass or aluminum, DHPL wayfinding directional signs.

Fabric signs and banners
Contact us for friendly and helpful advice.
And for a chance to win a free "TPYO" Mug (That's "TYPO" Misspelled) or order your own mug here!
Every 20th request wins a free mug courtesy of LetterBank/MyDIYsigns. One entry per email address.

Plaques, too. Just tell us what you need.


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