Most of us have done this at one time or another; "We've tried to save some money and time by going directly to a printer (or sign maker), instead of consulting with a graphic designer or marketing person directly. We think we knew what we wanted" even though if they had to put it into words, it might sound like this, "I ... really don't know why I did that" or "I can do a much better job, I've got PhotoShop!" "Oh yeah, that was a waste" or perhaps "I wanted to use every typestyle known to mankind on my 2 x 3.5" business card." The stuff of designer nightmares. Okay, one more. "I've always liked the Park Avenue script font, but I want it in red with a blue outline and a drop shadow, set into an arch, in ALL CAPS on a brown background that's not too you know, brown, but brown enough. But not brown brown." This is a symptom as yet without a name. Perhaps we can refer to it as "The (wha...